Thursday, May 12, 2011

Career astrology

Every person looks forward to a rewarding career is one's life. How do you find the jobs that you would love to do? What is your earning potential? Which job is best suited to your personality? All these questions continuously warrant your attention.

Astrology for career helps you gain a better understanding of yourself, your talents, your challenges, and your dreams and gives you an insight into your talents, potential, communication abilities and challenges, and relationship with your colleagues and boss. It also provides you astrological clues relating to the personalities of successful people and successful companies.

In Vedic astrology, one assesses career by blending the influences of key houses and planets. The most important house is the first house or lagna. If we had only one house to analyze before making a judgment, this would be it. The first house represents the person as a whole and therefore planets or aspects here can shape a person’s outlook that reflects the planets’ significations. The first house ruler or lagnesh is also important. A person with Pisces rising that has lagnesh Jupiter closely conjoined by Venus will probably need to express that Venusian side in some fundamental way in their lives. But that only narrows down our choices somewhat since Venus encompasses a fairly wide range of vocational options. It may be art, entertainment, beauty and cosmetics, or prostitution, to name a few. We can narrow down these choices even more by looking at the rest of the key factors in the chart.
Industries that is best suitable and beneficial for you and least amount of challenges
Most beneficial type of earning : Job, Professional work or Business(sole proprietorship or partership).
If not employed yet, when will you get new Job. What will be the nature and challenges of new job.
Is it right for me to change from job to business / business to job?
What is the right time to invest in my new venture?
Is there is any chances of transerfer or suspension.
Is there is any promotion changes in my horoscope?
Any chances foreign tour
We provide you forecasts for up to 10 years of your career including times of your promotion, change, problems, transfer, set backs and duration within which you need to avoid job changes
and should be cautious about your job and collegues

According to a Harris Poll, 48 million Americans believe in Astrology, along with hundreds of millions of people around the world.

Meanwhile, tens of millions of people look for guidance in their lives every day. They seek clarity about relationships, career, health, finances, and other major decisions.

These facts mean that you have an opportunity to make an excellent income, where demand for qualified Astrologers is huge, and wealthy clients are willing to pay you handsomely for your time and expertise.

Even if You are skeptical about Astrology.
Even if You have no previous experience or don’t think you have any “special” or “psychic” talent.
Even if You hate to sell and market your services.
Even if You only want to work part time.

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